Christian Berger works at the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour with a focus on the effects of digital change on work, gender and society and is a lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). In addition, he advises and accompanies organisations and companies in the fields of social innovation, gender equality and diversity management. He studied anthropology, law and socio-economics, was a research assistant at the Institute for Labour and Social Law at the University of Vienna and an expert for the “Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality” of the European Parliament. His main research interests are socio-economics, socio-legal studies and feminist political economy.
Selected Publications:
Matzinger, S. & Berger, Ch. (2020). Energiearmut – gendersensitiv vermessen. Kurswechsel, 1/2020, 56-63.
Risak, M., Berger, Ch. & Rehm, M. (2019). Pares Inter Inequales? A First Glimpse of the Cases before Senate II of the Austrian Equal Treatment Commission. Barbara Havelková & Mathias Möschel (Eds.), Anti-Discrimination Law in Civil Law Jurisdictions. Oxford University Press. 176–194.
Risak, M., Obrecht, S. & Berger, Ch. (2018). Kollektives Arbeitsrecht (Orac-Rechtsskriptum). LexisNexis.
Berger, Ch. (2018). Gender is Rigged (Drag Dossier). Gunda-Werner-Institut – Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
Berger, Ch. (2017). An der Kreuzung von Behinderung und Geschlecht: Sexuelle Gewalt im Menschenrechtsdiskurs. Forum Recht, 3/2017, 84–87.
Berger, Ch. & Hahnenkamp, P. (2016), Antisemitismus vor Gericht: Kritische Anmerkungen zum Fall Elsässer gegen Ditfurth, juridikum, 2, 177–187.
Berger, Ch. & Ziolkowski, M. (2016), Arbeiten oder leben? Bemerkungen zur Ökonomie der Zeit im Neoliberalismus, in Momentum Quarterly, 2, 97–111.
Academia: www.univie.academia.edu/ChristianBerger