João Pedro holds a PhD in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies, a MSc in Environmental Engineering and a BSc in Environmental Engineering. He has been working for 10 years as a researcher with energy and climate change mitigation and adaptation topics. He has especially worked on energy system analysis with a focus on energy consumption and efficiency, renewable energy technologies, consumers behavior, smart meters data mining and thermal comfort and energy poverty assessment in residential buildings.
Mahoney, K., Gouveia, J.P., Palma, P. (2020). (Dis)United Kingdom? Potential for a Common Approach to Energy Poverty Assessment. Energy Research and Social Science. Article in Press.
Sareen, S., Thomson, H., Tirado Herrero, S., Gouveia, J.P., Lippert, I. Lis, A. (2020). European energy poverty metrics: Scales, prospects and limits. Global Transitions Volume 2, 2020, Pages 26-36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.glt.2020.01.003
Gouveia, J.P., Palma, P. Simoes, S. (2019). Energy poverty vulnerability index: A multidimensional tool to identify hotspots for local action. Energy Reports 5, November 2019, pp. 187-201. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2018.12.004
Horta, A., Gouveia, J.P., Schmidt, L., Sousa, J., Palma, P., Simões, S. (2019). Energy poverty in Portugal: Combining vulnerability mapping with household interviews. Energy and Buildings Volume 203, 15 November 2019, 109423 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109423
Gouveia, J.P., Palma, P. (2019). Harvesting big data from residential buildings energy performance certificates: retrofitting and climate change mitigation insights at a regional scale. Environ. Res. Lett.14, 09, 5007 https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab3781
Kyprianou, I., Serghides, D., Varo, A., Gouveia, J.P. Kopeva, D., Murauskaite, L. (2019). Energy Poverty Policies and Measures in 5 EU Countries: A Comparative Study. Energy and Buildings, Volume 196, 1 August 2019, Pages 46-60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.05.003
Palma, P., Gouveia, J.P., Simoes, S. G. (2019). Mapping the energy performance gap of dwelling stock at high-resolution scale: Implications for thermal comfort in Portuguese households. Energy and Buildings (190), pp. 246-261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.03.002
Gouveia, J.P., Seixas, J., Long, G. (2018). Mining households' energy data to disclose fuel poverty: Lessons for Southern Europe. Journal of Cleaner Production 178, 534-550. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.01.021