Sandra Matzinger is a Socio-economist at the Economic Policy Unit of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour in Vienna. Her work focuses on distributional aspects of national and international climate and energy policies. She holds a PhD in Economic and Social Sciences from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) and before joining the Chamber of Labour in 2019, she worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Social Policy and the Research Institute “Economics of Inequality” at WU. Her main research interests are the interdisciplinary integration of energy and social policy, distributional aspects of energy and climate change, energy poverty and social investment strategies.
Selected publications:
Heizmann, K. & Matzinger, S. (2020). The (changing) consideration of social investment in the design of welfare benefits: The case of poverty relief in Austria. Social Policy & Administration, Online Version of Record: https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12643
Matzinger, S. & Berger, Ch. (2020). Energiearmut – gendersensitiv vermessen. Kurswechsel, 2020/1, 55-63.
Lechinger, V. & Matzinger, S. (2020). So heizt Österreich. Heizungsarten und Energieträger in österreichischen Haushalten im sozialen Kontext. Wirtschaftspolitik Standpunkte, 36, 2-10.
Matzinger, S. (2019). Energiearmut effektiv bekämpfen – ein vielschichtiges Phänomen fordert mehrdimensionale Antworten. Arbeit&Wirtschaft Blog: https://awblog.at/energiearmut-effektiv-bekaempfen/
Matzinger, S. (2019). Essays on social investment and poverty relief measures in Austria. Dissertation. Vienna: Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Heitzmann, K. & Matzinger, S. (2018): Zur Konzeptualisierung von Sozialinvestitionen auf Basis der ökonomischen Humankapitaltheorie. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 64(3), 363-386.